Who we are
My name is Ash! I’m the mom of the Itchy Feet Fam. Our family consists of myself, my husband, Stu, my son Isaac, who is grown and out of the house, working hard in the BC oil fields, and lastly: Stu’s and my son, Rocky, who was born in 2020.
Before Rocky came along, Stu and I would work for a few months, get the “itch” to go explore somewhere new, then repeat… We started off with eastern Canada, then our first big international trip was to Peru to see Machu Picchu. Since then we’ve been across Canada a couple times from Newfoundland to BC. We’ve soaked in the Blue Lagoon in Iceland, hiked in Patagonia, flown with a toddler to Mexico, and RV’d all over Canada and a good chunk of the USA. One thing we promised each other when we decided to have a baby was that we wouldn’t let it slow us down, and we’ve kept that promise!

Our biggest adventure
Stu, Rocky and I went on the road for one year in our 36-foot Rockwood bunkhouse fifth wheel. We had always talked about doing the full-time RV thing, or at least taking a “gap year” to travel, but it was always something that was “one day”, then all of a sudden, we decided that that day had come!
That day was in August of 2023. We drove from Ontario to British Columbia, Canada and enjoyed life on Vancouver Island for a few months. Once the weather got cold we embarked on one of my biggest bucket list adventures: driving the west coast from BC all the way down to Baja, Mexico! It was on this trip that I finally took the plunge to start this travel blog.

What we’re up to now
It was on that big adventure that we fell head over heels for a little community in the south of Baja called El Pescadero. We spent a few months here at the end of our “gap year”, and almost right away knew we wanted to keep coming back. We had found our community of like-minded families, our way of life that we’d been craving, and the place we wanted to call home. So we bought a little parcel of land here in the desert, which closed July 2024. We worked all summer to gather funds to start developing it, and made our way back down in the fall. Since then we’ve been working on building our own little tranquil escape in the lovely little surf town called Los Cerritos that will very soon welcome other travelling friends and family on the road! We can’t wait to finish and to share with everyone!
Why I started this blog
It was during this “gap year” that I decided to finally go for it. It’s something I’d considered for a long time, but several things were holding me back: the timing never felt right; I didn’t have the time to learn how to do it; I didn’t think I had enough to share and I sure as heck didn’t think anyone cared enough to read what I had to say.
Since we’d left, I kept getting told by so many people how much they were enjoying watching our travels, and reading my posts on our Instagram, and that I was even inspiring them to do something similar. It gave me such warm feeling to think that what we were doing, this amazing journey, this quality time as a family, that we were doing solely for ourselves, could actually spark something in others. How could we not encourage others to give themselves this special gift? How could we not share tips, tricks, and guides to make it easier for people to do?
I was originally doing all my sharing on our Instagram. You can only say so much without it being TOO much to read on that particular platform, and I always had more to say about our stays and our adventures. So, I took the time to take a couple of courses, learn how to build a website, and to write as a blogger, and thus, itchyfeetfam.com was born!
Come follow along…
If you are somebody who likes to dive in and research like crazy about somewhere you plan to visit, or if you’re someone who has been thinking about trying a different type of travel, or even different type of lifestyle, then this blog is for you. We were feeling a little stuck. We were craving change. We wanted to have more quality time together as a family, and to see more of this big, beautiful world! If this sounds familiar, come follow along!
Thanks for coming to follow along our adventures! We hope you enjoy reading about them as much as we love sharing them!